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Do you believe you have to make a choice around career vs being a parent? 

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I feel it's not about choosing between parenthood and career, but rather the societal circumstances that force people to make choices. If most jobs in society can provide a comfortable life, yet many struggle to even take care of themselves, let alone pets, then everyone is making decisions with great caution. After all, it's a life we're talking about, one that's biologically connected to ourselves.

Furthermore, I believe both career and family choices are part of the human process of self-realization. It's just that some people prioritize their social value, such as wanting fame or respect from others, as their way of self-fulfillment. For them, achieving these goals means self-realization. On the other hand, for those seeking a stable life, that's what's important to them. So, I think these choices are closely related to each person's values ​​and perspectives. Nowadays, people are generally pessimistic and lack the ability to hold onto too many expectations for the future. In such times, if you were to tell someone to have a child now, even if it means a bit of struggle now for a better future, they'd likely say, "I don't care about the future; if I'm struggling now, I might not even make it through."

I believe that even without children, one cannot live a solitary life, and even if you have children, they will eventually leave you. So, currently, I'm someone who takes things step by step. I don't think just because you're eager to have a child means you can have one. So, for now, I'm maintaining a "go with the flow" attitude.

There's no need to make a choice between one person putting in more effort or one person contributing more financially. It's about mutual understanding and accommodating each other to balance the child's upbringing environment. While the child enjoys all of this, they also need to understand their parents' situation and learn to grow independently. Both work and family should occupy a certain proportion in one's life.

I aspire to become a strong and independent woman, and I have even fantasized about prioritizing work over spending time with my children (if I have any). However, in recent years, I have come to realize the magical power of hormones; they have softened my heart. Perhaps in the future, I will come to value children even more.

I don't know.

I do not agree with the causality of this question. At present, I have sacrificed some free time, but it is not for the sake of becoming a parent, because I have to sacrifice these time, and behind these events is a two-person world that cannot realize career planning and freedom. It can be said that because I have become a parent, I have given up my career and happy two-person time.

© PINK! Collaboration

Stands for the empowerment of women and mothers. Through facilitating the sharing of stories we enable individual voices to be heard, with the hope of removing the feelings of isolation and loneliness that can be associated with the pressures of being or becoming a mother.

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