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If you are already a parent, do you feel like you have given something up?

That will definitely take up a lot of time or something else, but I think it's mutual, as children also accompany you. It depends on how you view your lifestyle. Girls may care about the pain of childbirth. But objectively speaking, there is no way to avoid it when choosing to become parents. It's not good to focus only on the alarming points

"I feel like I've given up a previous version of myself - a more carefree, time-rich, selfish version of me. I've given up a certain level of spontaneity and freedom too."

"I have had to give up a social life and ability to find a relationship. As  a single parent with limited support locally, it is a challenge for me to maintain a social life outside of the working day."

⁠"I'm not a parent, but from my experience as a daughter with both parents working 9-5, my parents gave up a lot of quality time and missed many vital milestones in me and my brother's lives. But I am also grateful they could provide us with a comfortable life."

Are you sacrificing / will need to sacrifice / have been sacrificing?

© PINK! Collaboration

Stands for the empowerment of women and mothers. Through facilitating the sharing of stories we enable individual voices to be heard, with the hope of removing the feelings of isolation and loneliness that can be associated with the pressures of being or becoming a mother.

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