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If you are already a parent, do you feel like you have given something up?

Women going through the practical, hormonal and neurological changes that can happen in what is termed 'matrescence' can experience a rite of passage leading to letting go of certain things that no longer serve. 

"I feel like I've given up a previous version of myself - a more carefree, time-rich, selfish version of me. I've given up a certain level of spontaneity and freedom too."

"I have become increasingly tired over the years and am less inclined to socialise in the evenings. I think the nature of being a single parent also means I become a little 'institutionalised' and find it harder to socialise."

"I have had to give up a social life and ability to find a relationship. With limited support locally, it is a challenge for me to maintain a social life outside of the working day."

"Honestly yes but I don’t regret it"

"My calmness & spontaneity"

"Yes, the usual - your career, your social life, your appearance, your manners, your hygiene, your pride, your decorum, your relationships, your ability to walk away from things. You give up your sleep, your meals, your right to go to the loo on your own"


"I have given up the freedom to go out in the evenings (to the theatre, to the cinema, etc etc) and also go on solo trips which I used to like to do..."

"....I also used to love playing tennis with my partner. I could actually do more of this stuff and hire a babysitter, but I’ve always been a bit reluctant to leave my children in the evening. I like being there for them."

© PINK! Collaboration

Stands for the empowerment of women and mothers. Through facilitating the sharing of stories we enable individual voices to be heard, with the hope of removing the feelings of isolation and loneliness that can be associated with the pressures of being or becoming a mother.

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