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Do you believe you have to make a choice between anything in life and being a parent?

"Of course."


- as someone who has big ambitions pursuing career

"...harus terpenuhi dengan baik untuk menjadi keluarga yg ideal"


"...because everything (all life aspects) must be fulfilled to become ideal family"


- as someone who feels that as a woman we have to fully take care of family

"For me, yes, I need to choose between career, study, mental health, and being a parent."


- as someone who choose not to be a parent

"I don’t think it’s possible to do both [career and parenting] well to be honest, or if you do do both well it’s because you’re in a comfortable job that you know." 

"I am constantly making choices to balance career and parenting. I don't feel that I have had a choice to work or not, as a single parent i have to provide for my child. But I have had to make tough choices around the type of work I am doing, for example taking jobs based purely on income rather than career development or self-fulfilment."

"I feel like something needs to give when you become a parent, especially if you don't have family support close by."

"With my capabilities, I think I will go insane, and everything will be a mess if I juggle everything together.


But I know other people can do it;

it's not me, though, nor that I wanted to."

Are you making tough choices?

© PINK! Collaboration

Stands for the empowerment of women and mothers. Through facilitating the sharing of stories we enable individual voices to be heard, with the hope of removing the feelings of isolation and loneliness that can be associated with the pressures of being or becoming a mother.

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