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How do you feel about being a parent?

It's like being employed in a job without having option to resign


- as someone who hasn't married 

"...being a parent juga adalah sebuah peran yang sangat mulia dan sangat signifikan atas hajat hidup seseorang. So yea big responsibilities :""


"...being a parent is also a noble/precious roles and it is significantly important for other human being's will of life. So yea big responsibilities:""


- as someone who has privilege in making life's choices

"The idea of being a parent makes me very anxious and uncomfortable."


- as someone who choose not to be a parent

"Once it already happened, I couldn't go back."


"The feelings about being a parent are multifaceted. From an emotional perspective: It’s happy.

   From the standpoint of societal roles and ethnic responsibilities:It’s

joyful yet painful."


- as someone who choose not to be a parent

"Many responsibilities, very tired, no freedom. Requires a lot of patience, losing oneself, unable to do other things due to lack of energy."


"I had a deeper understanding of the meaning of love and dedication."


- as someone who already has a child

"I feel honoured and incredibly lucky ... I feel full - full of joy, satisfaction, contentment, love and then the fullness and weight of the admin associated with parenthood, the ever busy mind and body."


- as someone who already has a child

"I feel a very strong solid sense of responsibility and goal to nurture and grow my child into a whole and beautiful human - a strangely strong and focused sense of direction that I didn't have  before."

Do you feel differently or the same?

Why do you feel that way?

"...harus terpenuhi dengan baik untuk menjadi keluarga yg ideal"


"...because everything (all life aspects) must be fulfilled to become ideal family"


- as someone who feels that as a woman we have to fully take care of family

"I know myself and what I want;

kids are not for me."


- as someone who choose not to be a parent

"I feel like I haven't given up anything, considering this as a process that life should go through, without regrets. "


"I do not agree with the causality of this question. At present, I have sacrificed some free time, but it is not for the sake of becoming a parent, because I have to sacrifice these time, and behind these events is a two-person world that cannot realize career planning and freedom. It can be said that because I have become a parent, I have given up my career and happy two-person time. "

"It's at the same time the best and most natural things but also the most surreal and difficult role I've ever stepped into."

"I don't know why I never wanted to have children, but I have simply accepted that feeling early on in my life and haven´t really questioned it since, assuming it was part of who I was, and that it was my right to feel that way."

Why do you feel your own way?

© PINK! Collaboration

Stands for the empowerment of women and mothers. Through facilitating the sharing of stories we enable individual voices to be heard, with the hope of removing the feelings of isolation and loneliness that can be associated with the pressures of being or becoming a mother.

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