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Do you believe you have to make a choice around career vs being a parent?  

If you are already a parent, do you feel you have given something up in order to be a parent?

Do you believe you have to make a choice around career vs being

a parent?  

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Entertainment, various hobbies, personal narrow freedom, material possessions (tilted towards nurturing children). I feel like I haven't given up anything, considering this as a process that life should go through, without regrets. Not giving up anything makes one more determined! Letting things take their course, not giving up anything, perhaps what's given up is one's own capriciousness. Giving up relative freedom. Time passes, with thoughts flowing freely. Giving up a part of one's personal space and time.

© PINK! Collaboration

Stands for the empowerment of women and mothers. Through facilitating the sharing of stories we enable individual voices to be heard, with the hope of removing the feelings of isolation and loneliness that can be associated with the pressures of being or becoming a mother.

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