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How relevant do you feel your gender is to being a parent?

"Yes, in terms of what is expected of me. I feel that being a woman is the reason why the bulk of the responsibility has landed on me."

"Enormously relevant! From day 1, my gender has very much put me in the role of primary caregiver - I breastfed both my children and this meant I was the only one who could feed my children. Of course there's so much that a co-parent can do to support in this set-up, but it does ultimately put a lot of pressure on the breastfeeding parent.

"Traditionally, fathers are expected to play the role of economic pillars and family leaders, while mothers are seen as the primary caregivers and caregivers of the family."

"It doesn't matter. Gender equality. Personally, I believe that women contribute more. Men and women divide roles according to social responsibilities, playing different roles. For example, I am mainly responsible for the children's education, while my wife bears more financial burden. At the same time, there may be different divisions of labor in different stages and family backgrounds."

"I feel like something needs to give when you become a parent, especially if you don't have family support close by."

"There are no strict limitations. Everyone does what they excel at. Sometimes, the family needs you to take on any role, which is not necessarily determined by gender but depends on the situation at hand."

How relevant is your gender? 

© PINK! Collaboration

Stands for the empowerment of women and mothers. Through facilitating the sharing of stories we enable individual voices to be heard, with the hope of removing the feelings of isolation and loneliness that can be associated with the pressures of being or becoming a mother.

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