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How relevant do you feel your gender is to your role as a parent?Why?

Firstly, I believe that the concept of family is a product of human civilization, and it evolves continuously along with human society. For example, in ancient times, it might have been one husband with multiple wives, and in some remote areas, it could be one wife with multiple husbands. This concept is not absolute. From my perspective, I can only define family based on my limited personal experience. For me, it's mainly about my nuclear family. Regarding my nuclear family, it's perhaps more of a personal choice. I don't judge others' choices because they have no bearing on me, and I wouldn't interfere with them. Just as I wouldn't want others to interfere with my choices.

When it comes to relationships, women are naturally mothers.

There are no strict limitations. Everyone does what they excel at. Sometimes, the family needs you to take on any role, which is not necessarily determined by gender but depends on the situation at hand.

Relationships matter a lot, and as a girl, I only understand things from a female perspective. The environment I provide for a child's growth is from a feminine perspective. For example, if I become a single mother, the child will definitely lose the influence of a father figure.

I feel that it is related to the gender of children, that is, some may need to avoid suspicion, and boys need to be taught by their fathers


© PINK! Collaboration

Stands for the empowerment of women and mothers. Through facilitating the sharing of stories we enable individual voices to be heard, with the hope of removing the feelings of isolation and loneliness that can be associated with the pressures of being or becoming a mother.

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