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Women & Mothers:
Navigating Choice Around Being A Parent

A selection of shared stories under the topic of parenthood from the perspective of women* whether they have or have not been a parent.

“When people feel authentically seen and their stories heard, systems respond.” (Judah, 2022)

References (clockwise from left): 'Self Portrait: Past', Katharine Harrison; 'The Synergy of Flesh', Agata Zalesczyk; 'The Birth', 2007, Louise Borgeoise; 'Mum', by Phoebe aged 4, photographed by a participant to study; 'View from the feeding chair', Katharine Harrison; 'Untitled', Barbara Kruger;  'Working mother', Katharine Harrison.

*For the purposes of this project the category of 'woman' includes cis-women, trans-women, and queer women, in short anyone who identifies as a woman.


Based on the topic and questions as the conversation starter. Click "Read more" to find out answers, perpectives, thoughts and actions towards choices around being a parent.


How do you feel about being a parent?
Why do you feel this way?


Do you believe you have to make a choice between anything in life (career, school, etc.) and being a parent?


If you are already a parent, do you feel you have given something up in order to be a parent?


How relevant you think your gender is to being a parent?


Did you feel any pressure to have/ not have a children?


If you could pick one object which represents your story/views about parenthood, what would it be?


A quick recap on the conversations with and as a woman

Many responsibilities, very tired, no freedom. Requires a lot of patience, losing oneself, unable to do other things due to lack of energy.

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"I feel a very strong solid sense of responsibility and goal to nurture and grow my child into a whole and beautiful human - a strangely strong and focused sense of direction that I didn't have  before."

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When there are conflicts between the values of family upbringing, school education, societal norms, it requires communication and balance with others, which can be painful. 

"So relevant. As a cis hetero woman who gave birth - I do almost all of it. I breastfed and took mat leave, I'm the one the child goes to at night and times of distress"

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It's like being employed in a job without having option to resign

© PINK! Collaboration

Stands for the empowerment of women and mothers. Through facilitating the sharing of stories we enable individual voices to be heard, with the hope of removing the feelings of isolation and loneliness that can be associated with the pressures of being or becoming a mother.

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