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If you are already a parent, do you feel you have  given something up in order to be a parent? 


I think responsibility is an important matter. After I achieve financial independence, I will consider marriage. Of course, this requires encountering a reliable partner before considering having children, as children bring more responsibilities. I cannot say I firmly choose not to have children, nor will I rush into marriage simply because I want children.

       As for whether education and career can compensate for the feeling of being a parent, I believe it depends on personal values. For some people, not having children is a regret, while for others, money and status do not fulfill them internally. Some believe that experiencing the process of giving and receiving through raising children brings more happiness. In my opinion, a high level of education does not necessarily mean a person has the ability to love and raise children. What's important is that a person must know how to love others and have a sense of responsibility. Their family environment should be good, and they must be kind and emotionally intelligent to truly be suitable for raising the next generation. Therefore, I believe that wanting children involves considering factors beyond just financial ability and education, including whether one has the ability to educate children and provide a loving environment.


Many responsibilities, very tired, no freedom. Requires a lot of patience, losing oneself, unable to do other things due to lack of energy

I haven't thought about it. I barely feel it.

First and foremost, responsibility is definitely essential. However, marriage begins with love, and the most perfect state in later years is companionship. Then comes the economic foundation. But if I am to become a parent, I feel it's important to ensure that my partner values emotions as much as I do. I am also striving hard to prepare financially for the future, although I don't aspire to become wealthy. However, parents' relationships are often linked to their financial situation. I don't want money to be the cause of arguments in my family.

Sweet burden

© PINK! Collaboration

Stands for the empowerment of women and mothers. Through facilitating the sharing of stories we enable individual voices to be heard, with the hope of removing the feelings of isolation and loneliness that can be associated with the pressures of being or becoming a mother.

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