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How do you feel about being
a parent?


The feelings about being a parent are multifaceted. From an emotional perspective: It’s happy. From the standpoint of societal roles and responsibilities: joyful yet painful. Feel a sense of accomplishment and happiness. There is a sense of happiness. Happiness, with a sense of responsibility and commitment. Happy, joyful, happy, of course, there are also troubles. Commitment and responsibility, happiness Happiness Responsibility. First, feel happy, then pressure and responsibility.

Pink Sugar

When there are conflicts between the values of family upbringing, school education, societal norms, it requires communication and balance with others, which can be painful. Feeling joyful occurs when the child's growth aligns with the expectations of both the family and society. Firstly, one's own life continues, so there is a sense of accomplishment. Secondly, having children brings a lot of joy. Although children can be mischievous at times, causing frustration, overall, they bring hope, happiness, and a sense of pleasure. Because children bring both joy and worries to my life. People have emotions and social responsibilities, so they have different experiences. Milestones in life include family ties, where one can trust their children. As we bring children into the world, we must be responsible for them. Children bring us joy and happiness.

Why do you feel that way?

© PINK! Collaboration

Stands for the empowerment of women and mothers. Through facilitating the sharing of stories we enable individual voices to be heard, with the hope of removing the feelings of isolation and loneliness that can be associated with the pressures of being or becoming a mother.

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