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Did you feel any pressure from society/family or other expectation in your choice to become/not become a parent?

I wouldn't have a child because of pressure from others; it wouldn't be fair to the child. That would mean their birth was intentional on my part. Establishing a family requires responsibility from both parties. Firstly, there needs to be financial stability, and secondly, a strong sense of responsibility is crucial. This means being able to feel a deep sense of obligation towards the child, with a high moral standard that compels them to provide for the child's needs.

My understanding of family is based on my perception of my nuclear family. To me, it's an environment where considerations of self-interest are irrelevant. Whether in love or hate, you cannot completely sever ties with family members. Interactions between people are complex, with both moments of joy and moments of pain being normal.

However, I certainly wouldn't have a child due to any supposed pressure from others. That would be extremely unfair to my child because it would mean their birth was purposeful on my part.

Yes, the people around me have exerted most of the pressure. For example, when parents' friends become grandparents, it can be pressure-inducing. Or when friends get married and have children, it can also be pressure-inducing. There's also pressure related to the optimal fertility period for women, which is influenced by the economic cost of having children. Most young people nowadays are not very keen on having children, partly due to hormonal reasons and many objective factors that make them prefer having pets.

My family doesn't put much pressure on me; they don't rush me, but they also have high expectations for my future. Firstly, my parents are quite liberal. In many Chinese families, even if the parents' own lives are a mess, they still intervene in their daughters' lives. My mom fantasizes that if I have a child of my own, they will definitely look just like me. This brings her a lot of joy, and I must say she loves me a little more. So, whatever I choose to do, she understands.

Actually, it's fine.

•No pressure

© PINK! Collaboration

Stands for the empowerment of women and mothers. Through facilitating the sharing of stories we enable individual voices to be heard, with the hope of removing the feelings of isolation and loneliness that can be associated with the pressures of being or becoming a mother.

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